dimecres, 18 de març del 2009

Tuesday, 17th March

Today we went to Jonquera by bus. When we were in Jonquera, we followed the route of the exile and we arrived in francia. We saw the mine of talc, where, in the civil war the Republicans hid the treasure of the Republic.
The legend says that when the Republicans lost the war, they used 68 trucks to lead and to save the treasure to France. The first 61 trucks came without problems, the six following trucks passed after some difficulty and the seventh trucks lost. The legend says that the soldiers who were taking the truck removed everything to hand, but they never returned to see the content of the seventh and last truck. This is the lost treasure of the Republic.
Also we saw "Can Barris", the farm where the Republican politicians and other civilians were hiding and sheltering, but on 5th February of 1939, the republican president said " Tots i tothom a la frontera ", all to the border, because the republicans had lost the war and had to go away if they were estimating their life.
After it, we continued with the route, a way full of stones and it was very tiring, because we were doing raises and descents, up to coming to francia. But it was interesting and the landscape was very beautiful.
We have lunch when we arrived in Francia, and then we returned to españa, we was returning to do the whole route to return to the buses. It was very, very, very tiring!

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